Archetypes, Depth Psychotherapy and Wholeness with Betsy Perluss Ph.D
In this episode, Adam & Miriam connect with Betsy Perluss, Ph.D. to talk about different archetypes, depth psychotherapy, moving towards wholeness, and much more.
In this episode we discuss:
- the inherent wisdom of psyche that moves toward wholeness no matter how deep the wounding or severe the inner conflict.
- the development of ecopsychology
- archetypes, wilderness guiding and the natiure of change
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Interview excerpts:
Reimagine ourselves as intricately interwoven with the world beyond our skin.
A new educational process
Rather, it calls for a new educational process -- one that elicits relationship, love and wonderment.
Mirroring, Storytelling and Love
During the mirroring training, we always remark how easy it is to fall in love with the storyteller, even when we don't particularly like that person! ...Storytelling and mirroring are therefore an endless call and response between our very human selves and the soul of each person and living being, between the Soul of the World and us.
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