E42: Education as Revolution: w/ Roblin Webb of Freedom Prep Charter Schools

Episode 42 of We are Open Circle’s Beyond Listening Podcast saw Roblin Webb join Adam and Miriam to talk about her pursuit of civil rights through educating, uplifting and inspiring young people of colour in Tennessee.

For the full podcast, check out the episode here.

In this episode, we cover... 

  1. How Roblin followed her calling and trusted in her career path in times of doubt.

  2. Her transformation from attorney to leader of progressive and inclusive schools.

  3. Her strong connection to her ancestry, and their guidance in pursuit of change.

Roblin Webb is the Founder and CEO of Freedom Preparatory Academy in Memphis, Tennessee. A graduate of Rhodes College and Rutgers University School of Law, Roblin is dedicating her life to achieving a level playing field for citizens in America - through pursuit of civil rights overhaul and her tireless commitment to education.

Here are some of the key insights from the conversation...

  • She has learned to channel her energy into seeking systemic change.

”I'm not the person out there protesting. That's just not my style. What I am though, is the subtle civil rights person, the one that's like, okay, we need to change the system. The revolutionaries and the people that protest, change moments. I'm trying to change the system for black people in this country. ”

  • There is a huge battle to tackle the root of the issues facing the education system.

”We've got to figure out what's going on mental health-wise and really address that. And then start to address the core challenges and issues with poverty that are happening on the ground to help educators do their job because those two things prevent us from doing our job, to be honest. It's all these things that create a snowball effect that prevents kids that come from circumstances that are not of their design, but prevent them from truly successfully accessing the education that we want to provide to them so that they can change the trajectory of their lives and their families lives.”

  • Roblin’s spirit is driven by the inspiration she receives from previous generations.

”I think about how they had to navigate the world... and it's a no-brainer to discipline myself to do the things that I have to do despite the hard times, because of what they did and how they set up the space for me to even be here to do the work that I do.”

The best place to find Roblin Webb is here.

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See you next week! 

Jamie Slevin